Monday, April 11, 2011

European Companies Huizhou Shoes Bass Shoe Anti-dumping

Net shoes HC hearing on 20 October, the EU has proposed legislation to impose 16.5% of footwear from China anti-dumping duty extended by at least 15 months. Reporter has revealed that most companies in the shoes of Huizhou up to 4 years in barriers to trade in the EU, was very quiet. Business people said that the recent upward trend in the renminbi exchange rate regularly, worry that RMB appreciation squeeze on corporate profits, instead of extending the period of EU trade barriers.

Effect of 4 years experience in Huizhou shoe gentle face of trade barriers

"With a comprehensive anti-dumping tariff of four years, we have used for production in the current context, we can say now the European Union to extend the decision to extend anti-dumping measures based on the indifference of operation, eliminating barriers may be more extensive then earn less. "journalist asked the EU in the resolution of the reaction, Huizhou City Footwear Chamber of Commerce, President Chen said that oil, which.

A Bearish European footwear enterprises in Huizhou shoe anti-dumping

It is understood that the European Union for many years the existence of trade barriers to allow the city to share footwear companies in the EU exports reduced substantially. According to Chen Yau introduced some years ago, in the export of footwear, the city once the number of exports of footwear exports to the EU represented about a third of the total. However, the reporter recently learned of the entry and exit inspection of Huizhou and quarantine office, now the Jimmy Choo Purses exports to the EU are less than 10% of the shares. Chen Yau said the shoe or shoes Huidong County, Huizhou, including farmers, local agricultural production after the most basic means of subsistence, Huizhou, the population engaged in the manufacture of shoes up to 15 million people, 4 years , the European Union to impose anti-dumping taxes of up directly caused the closure of certain footwear SMEs.

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